Wedding Day Of Management Contract Template
A standard wedding day-of management contract template that you’ll be able to use for each and every wedding you and/or your company is assisting with day of management coordination. The contract template is a fill-in-the-blank type document, but where there are blanks, there is sample language for you to use.
- PDF version of the contract template
- Word version of the contract template
- Easily identifiable highlighted portions within the contract template that are fill-in-the-blank portions where you’ll be able to tailor the contract template to each individual event and each client
- Parties to the agreement
- Wedding event details
- Summary of services
- Scope of work
- Compensation
- Limitations on scope of work
- Venue rules
- Intellectual property
- Cancellation and rescheduling
- Refunds
- Force Majeure
- Indemnification
- Warranties
- Appropriate conduct/safe work environment
- Governing law
- Transferability
- Severability
- Entire agreement and amendment language
- Wedding planners
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Disclaimer: This template is designed for doing business in the United States. Please consult a local attorney for state-specific legal questions. This template, along with all templates available on this website, is an attorney-drafted document. Please keep in mind that the legal landscape changes quickly and you may need to consult an attorney to review the template at a later date. Nothing in the template or in this transaction, should you purchase a template, establishes an attorney-client relationship. The template is for informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. No attorney-client privilege is created by you purchasing a product on this website.